March 24, 2025

Latest Philippine Stocks Blue Chip Index List 2023

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New List of PSEI Stocks

The new list of blue chips stocks have been released by Philippine stock exchange. This new list added DMCI holdings and Union Bank Philippines and ousted two long time property index stocks Robinsons Land Corporation and Megaworld

This list will be effective starting February 06, 2023.

We expect volatility by the time this becomes effective and the market tries to price in the changes as big hedge fund managers will do rebalancing of their portfolios.

What are Blue chip Stocks

Blue chip stocks are so called best companies in the Philippine market today. They have been selected by the Philippine Stock Exchange to represent the best companies in the country. They are the stocks that represent the Philippine Stock Exchange Index or PSEI.

How do they Select Blue chip stocks to Represent PSEI

We have a  previous article here explaining the minimum requirements for the selection criteria. Also before the announcement of Semirara Mining Corporation inclusion on the index, we made a youtube vlog review. Final results have been confirm before August 8 based on the latest Security and Exchange commission announcement.

Selection includes liquidity from the last 9 months of trading performance, Highest in market capitalization and a public float level of at least 20%.

Philippine Stock Exchange

Here is the latest disclosure from the Philippine stock exchange

DMCI Holdings, Inc. (DMC) and Union Bank of the Philippines (UBP) will be included in the PSE index (PSEi) starting February 6, 2023. Both companies will be replacing Megaworld Corporation (MEG) and Robinsons Land Corporation (RLC) based on the January to December 2022 index review of the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).

DMC and UBP have been PSEi constituents in the past and rejoining the main index after a year and a half and 14 years, respectively.

To be considered for inclusion in the PSEi, a listed company should be among the top companies in terms of liquidity and market capitalization. It should also have a free float level of at least 20 percent of its outstanding shares. Relevant financial criteria as well as eligibility for early inclusion are also considered by the PSE in the index review.

“The 20 percent minimum free float requirement was implemented for all indices starting with this index review. We hope to see improved liquidity in the stock market with more shares available from companies that want to remain or qualify for future inclusion in any of the indices,” said PSE President and CEO Ramon S. Monzon.

In terms of sectoral indices, PSE will replace East West Banking Corporation (EW) in the Financials index. Basic Energy Corporation (BSC) and The Keepers Holdings, Inc. (KEEPR) will be added to the Industrial index while Vitarich Corporation (VITA) will be removed. The Property index will have four new constituents namely D.M. Wenceslao & Associates, Incorporated (DMW), Filinvest REIT Corp. (FILRT), MREIT, Inc. (MREIT), and RL Commercial REIT, Inc. (RCR). Meantime, Philippine Infradev Holdings, Inc. (INFRA) and Philippine Estates Corporation (PHES) will be excluded from the said index. AllDay Marts, Inc. (ALLDY) and Medilines Distributors Incorporated (MEDIC) will both become part of the Services index, which will also see the removal of Metro Retail Stores Group, Inc. (MRSGI) and Philippine Seven Corporation (SEVN). Finally, the Holding Firms index will see the addition of Lopez Holdings Corporation (LPZ) while the Mining and Oil index will see the removal of Benguet Corporation (BC).

The PSE MidCap index will have a number of changes. The new index members are China Banking Corporation (CHIB), FILRT, MEG, MREIT, RCR, RLC and Synergy Grid & Development Phils., Inc. (SGP). The seven new PSE MidCap index constituents will take the place of AllHome Corp. (HOME), DDMP REIT, Inc. (DDMPR), DMC, Philex Mining Corporation (PX), Philippine National Bank (PNB), UBP and Vista Land & Lifescapes, Inc. (VLL).

For the PSE Dividend Yield index (PSE DivY index), Citicore Energy REIT Corp., (CREIT), UBP and Security Bank (SECB) will replace Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI), DDMPR and FILRT.

From its March 28, 2022 launch to January 26, 2023, the PSE MidCap index has gained 4.5 percent while the PSE DivY index has lost 1.1 percent. In the same period, the PSEi was down 1.3 percent.

In August 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission included securities that make up the PSE DivY index among the eligible Personal Equity and Retirement Account (PERA) investment products.


Blue Chips List for PSEI 2023

CompanyStock Code
1Ayala CorporationAC
3Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc.AEV
4Alliance Global Group, Inc.AGI
5Ayala Land, Inc.ALI
6Aboitiz Power CorporationAP
7BDO Unibank, Inc.BDO
8Bank of the Philippine IslandsBPI
9Converge Information and Communications

Technology Solutions, Inc.
10DMCI Holdings, Inc.DMC
11Emperador Inc.EMI
12Globe Telecom, Inc.GLO
13GT Capital Holdings, Inc.GTCAP
14International Container Terminal Services, Inc.ICT
15Jollibee Foods CorporationJFC
16JG Summit Holdings, Inc.JGS
17LT Group, Inc.LTG
18Metropolitan Bank & Trust CompanyMBT
19Manila Electric CompanyMER
20Monde Nissin CorporationMONDE
21Metro Pacific Investments CorporationMPI
22Puregold Price Club, Inc.PGOLD
23Semirara Mining and Power CorporationSCC
24SM Investments CorporationSM
25San Miguel CorporationSMC
26SM Prime Holdings, Inc.SMPH
28Union Bank of the PhilippinesUBP
29Universal Robina CorporationURC
30Wilcon Depot, Inc.WLCON

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Joey is the founder of a Philippine Stock Market Youtube channel and also known as “Palaboy Trader”. He does daily review of Trending stocks and teaches basics of Investing and trading. He has the aim to educate Filipinos to be financially independent He is also is an Overseas Filipino Worker Currently working in a Multinational Company in Malaysia

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