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The Bank of the Philippine Island on its disclosure recently announce a statement that the Net Income of P17,5 billion for the period of time before January to September 2021, for the year the percentage is almost the same ,it was 1.8% .
For the past nine-months the total revenues of BPI have decreased by 6.0%. Net Interest Income was reduced by 5.6% to P51.2 billion, as NIM contracted by 21 bps from 3.51% to 3.31% brought about by a decline put across loan portfolios and treasury assets. However, the Non-Interest Income was also down to 7.0% to P20.5 billion on lower trading income, it was 27.2% increase in fee income due to reflecting the robust comeback across all the business lines.
As of September 30, 2021,
The Total Operating Expenses reached P36.5 billion, up to 3.5% motivated by higher technology cost as the bank keeps continuing to invest in digitalization. Cost to Income Ratio stood at 5.95%
The Bank of the Philippine Island reserved Provisions of P10.3 billion, lower by 49.9% than the P20.5 billion reserved for the same period last year. (NPL) Non-Performing Loan has turn down from 2.98% to 2.73%, Coverage ratio is growing from 100.45% to 130.72.
As well as the Total Loan on September 30, 2021 was P1.4 trillion, a 0.9% have growth by every year, because of the mortgage, credit card, and microfinance loans and others. Then the Total Deposits was rise up 6.6% at P1.8 trillion. In particular CASA grew over 12.1% offsetting the 11.0% reduce from the deposits. The Bank’s CASA Ratio was at 80.1% during the Loan-To Deposit Ratio was also 77.2%
Bank of Philippine Island price closed at 85/share.