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ACEN just released a disclosure that its 210 MW India Solar Farm started operations today.
This joint venture is between ACEN and UPC Solar Asia Pacific also known as UPC-AC Energy Solar that its two solar farms in India the 140 MWp (100 MWac) Sitara Solar and 70 MWp (50 MWac) Paryapt Solar started its operations
The price action of ACEN stayed above 9 pesos and closed at the 8.95 pesos support level for the second day.

It also stated I its disclosure
“In July 2020, UPC-AC Energy Solar announced the commencement of construction of Sitara Solar located in the Jodhpur District of the State of Rajasthan, a desert state with the highest irradiation in India, that will supply energy to the Solar Energy Corporation of India. This was followed closely by the start of construction of Paryapt Solar, a solar farm set in the Amreli District of the State of Gujarat, one of the first states to develop solar generation capacity in the country”

“The development of the solar facilities involved an investment of around US$100 million. With an aggregate capacity of 210 MWp, the solar farms are comprised of more than 466,000 solar panels which are capable to produce around 358 GWh annually, or an estimated 323,990 metric tonnes of CO2e avoided”
ACEN closed with a net foreign buying of 98Million. Foreigners still accumulating on the company after its news of inclusion in the PSE market. You can check the link Blue chip Index link to view the other companies included here

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