Stock Market Cycles
What are the Different Market Cycles The stock market tends to move in cycles. It goes up and sometimes it goes down reacting to every economic fundamentals or news you can think of. That is why it is quite hard to understand how it behaves. Its very sensitive to every ...

Stock Trend Directions
There are 3 different trend directions that we can see in the market, Uptrend, downtrend or sideways direction. This is very important basic requirement to understand as it will give us a sense of direction where the overall price action is moving. To the untrained eyes the stocks share price ...

Candle Stick Chart Patterns
Most of the discussion on this site will cover chart and candle stick readings as you notice on the trending stock page/section of our website. If you have a hard time understanding the explanation here don’t worry we have a local dialect video (Tagalog) to cover that part. You can ...